Our Licenses

(and Important Disclosures Regarding Money Transmissions)

Fiant holds a Money Transmitter and BitLicense from the New York Department of Financial Services.

JurisdictionRegulatory Agency
ALABAMAAlabama Securities Commission
ALASKA*Alaska Division of Banking and Securities
ARIZONAArizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions
ARKANSASArkansas Securities Department
CALIFORNIA**California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation
COLORADOColorado Division of Banking
CONNECTICUTState of Connecticut Department of Banking
DELAWAREDelaware Office of the State Bank Commissioner
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIADC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking
FLORIDAFlorida Office of Financial Regulation
GEORGIAGeorgia Department of Banking and Finance
IDAHOIdaho Department of Finance
ILLINOISIllinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
INDIANA***Indiana Department of Financial Institutions
IOWAIowa Division of Banking
KANSASKansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner
KENTUCKYKentucky Department of Financial Institutions
LOUISIANALouisiana Office of Financial Institutions
MAINEMaine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
MARYLANDMaryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation
MASSACHUSETTSMassachusetts Division of Banks
MICHIGANMichigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services
MINNESOTAMinnesota Department of Commerce
MISSISSIPPIMississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
MISSOURIMissouri Division of Finance
MONTANA****Montana Banking and Financial Institutions
NEBRASKANebraska Department of Banking and Finance
NEVADANevada Financial Institutions Division
NEW HAMPSHIRENew Hampshire Banking Department
NEW JERSEYNew Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance
NEW MEXICONew Mexico Financial Institutions Division
NEW YORK*****New York State Department of Financial Services
NORTH CAROLINANorth Carolina Office of the Commissioner of Banks
NORTH DAKOTANorth Dakota Department of Financial Institutions
OHIOOhio Division of Financial Institutions
OKLAHOMAOklahoma Department of Banking
OREGONOregon Division of Financial Regulation
PENNSYLVANIAPennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities
PUERTO RICOPuerto Rico Commissioner of Financial Institutions
RHODE ISLANDRhode Island Division of Banking
SOUTH CAROLINASouth Carolina Office of the Attorney General
SOUTH DAKOTASouth Dakota Division of Banking
TENNESSEETennessee Department of Financial Institutions
TEXASTexas Department of Banking
UTAHUtah Department of Financial Institutions
VERMONTVermont Department of Financial Regulation
VIRGINIAVirginia Bureau of Financial Institutions
WASHINGTONWashington Department of Financial Institutions
WEST VIRGINIAWest Virginia Division of Financial Institutions
WISCONSIN****Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
WYOMINGWyoming Division of Banking

*Please note that the license for Alaska does not cover the transmission of virtual currency.

**The California DFPI issued an interpretive relief letter with regard to PTI’s activity in California.

***Fiant holds a Money Transmitter license issued by the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions. This license does not cover virtual currency transactions.

****License is not required.

*****Fiant holds both Money Transmitter and BitLicense issued by the New York Department of Financial Services.

Important Disclosures

Please read below to see if your state has any special information about your rights as a consumer.

  • For Alaska Residents Only:

    If your issue is unresolved by Fiant (800) 530-6474, please submit formal complaints with the State of Alaska, Division of Banking & Securities.

    Please download the form here:

    Submit formal complaint form with supporting documents:

    Division of Banking & Securities
    P.O. Box 110807
    Juneau, AK 99811-0807

    If you are an Alaska resident with questions regarding formal complaints, please email us at dbs.licensing@alaska.gov or call Nine Zero Seven Four Six Five Two Five Two One.

  • California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation

    If you have complaints with respect to any aspect of the money transmission activities conducted at this location, you may contact the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation at its toll-free telephone number, (866) 275-2677, by email at consumer.services@dfpi.ca.gov, or by mail at:

    Department of Financial Protection and Innovation
    Consumer Services
    2101 Arena Boulevard
    Sacramento, CA 95834



    Entities other than FDIC-insured financial institutions that conduct money transmission activities in Colorado, including the sale of money orders, transfer of funds, and other instruments for the payment of money or credit, are required to be licensed by the Colorado Division of Banking pursuant to the Money Transmitters Act, Title 11, Article 110, Colorado Revised Statutes.

    If you have a question about or problem with YOUR TRANSACTION (THE MONEY YOU SENT), you must contact the Money Transmitter who processed your transaction for assistance. The Division of Banking does not have access to this information.

    If you are a Colorado Resident and have a Complaint about THE MONEY TRANSMITTER (THE COMPANY THAT SENT YOUR MONEY),

    ALL complaints must be submitted in writing. Please fill out the Complaint Form provided on the Colorado Division of Banking’s website and return it and any documentation supporting the complaint via mail or email to the Division of Banking at:

    Colorado Division of Banking
    1560 Broadway, Suite 975
    Denver, CO 80202
    email: DORA_BankingWebsite@state.co.us
    website: banking.colorado.gov/industry/money-transmitters

    Section 11-110-120, C.R.S. requires that money transmitters and money order companies post this notice in a conspicuous, well-lighted location visible to customers.

  • All complaints against Provenance Technologies, Inc. (License No. MTR1872693) from District of Columbia residents should be directed to:

    Dept. of Insurance, Securities, and Banking
    1050 First St. NE, Suite 801
    Washington, DC 20002
    Phone: 202-727-8000

  • Florida Office of Financial Regulation

    For complaints directly to the Florida Office of Financial Regulation, please send correspondence to:

    Florida Office of Financial Regulation
    200 E. Gaines Street
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0376
    (850) 487-9687

  • Indiana Department of Financial Institutions

    Provenance Technologies, Inc. (NMLS #1872693) holds a Money Transmitter license issued by the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions. This license does not cover virtual currency transactions.

    30 South Meridian Street, Suite 300
    Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

    Toll-Free Number: (800) 382-4880

  • Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation

    For consumer complaints, please contact:

    Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
    Division of Financial Institutions
    320 W. Washington
    Springfield, IL 62786

    Toll-Free Number: 1-888-473-4858

  • Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions

    Provenance Technologies, Inc. is licensed by the Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions as a money transmitter. The Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions does not license or regulate services related to virtual currency including but not limited to transmission or exchange which may be conducted by Provenance Technologies, Inc.

    8660 United Plaza Boulevard, 2nd Floor
    Baton Rouge, LA 70809-7024

    Main Phone: (225) 925-4660

  • Maryland State Bank Commissioner

    The Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland will accept all questions or complaints from Maryland residents regarding Provenance Technologies, Inc. (NMLS # 1872693) at:

    500 North Calvert Street, Suite 402
    Baltimore, MD 21201

    Toll-Free Number: (888) 784-0136

  • Provenance Technologies, Inc. is licensed and regulated as a money transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. New York customers can direct unresolved complaints to:

    Consumer Assistance Unit
    NYS Department of Financial Services
    One Commerce Plaza
    Albany, NY 12257

    Tel: 1-877-BANK-NYS (1-877-226-5697)
    Website: https://www.dfs.ny.gov/consumer/fileacomplaint.htm

  • Texas Department of Banking

    If you have a complaint, first contact the consumer assistance division of Provenance Technologies, Inc. at (800) 530-6474, if you still have an unresolved complaint regarding the company’s (money transmission or currency exchange) activity, please direct your complaint to:

    Texas Department of Banking
    2601 North Lamar Boulevard
    Austin, Texas 78705
    1-877-276-5554 (toll free)

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